Vers la certification d’Expert(e) en management des opérations internationales
With the increasing globalization of markets coupled with the information and communication technology (ICT) revolution more and more organizations are becoming acutely aware of the importance of efficient management of change as the basis for competitive advantage in the global marketplace. This is a one-year (two years for those enrolled on a part-time basis) academic program of study and research in General Business and Management (GBM) aims to prepare graduates for mid-career positions in private and public sector organizations (as well as non-governmental organizations) internationally. It has eight specialization areas (i.e. Global Business, Global Finance, Marketing in the Digit Age, Human Resources Management, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Supply Chain and Operations Management, ICT Management, Healthcare Management) and successful completion leads to the Master of Business Administration (MBA) qualification which is awarded by CASS Europe.
The MBA program goals are as follows:
The program is placed on level 7 of the French and European Qualifications Framework (EQF), 2012. It corresponds to the Second Cycle of qualifications as defined by the “Dublin Descriptors” and the Qualifications Framework in the European Higher Education Area, QF-EHEA (2005). Total duration for completing the program on a full-time basis is one (1) year (two years for part-time enrollment) amounting to a total of 60 European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) points.
It provides participants with a broad-based higher management education and a good choice of specialization (8 in all). Program participants will be introduced to a range of new tools while developing the flair necessary to successfully manage and motivate people in today’s highly competitive global marketplace.