Welcome to a new and exciting academic year at CASS Europe. Whether you are a new student in or a continuing one in our undergraduate programs we trust you will find a challenging but very rewarding learning environment at our institution. Our commitment to international academic collaboration continues to provide excellent exchange opportunities to our students from different cultural backgrounds the world over to fully participate in the learning experience at our institution. This effectively means that for our students, the opportunity of interacting with fellow students from different cultural backgrounds the world over has never been better. Parallel with the internationalization strategy, our institution continues to engage with companies and other organizations from different corners of the globe who are delighted to provide internship opportunities or consultancy assignments to our students. Moreover, students in all our undergraduate degree programs have the opportunity of completing part of their studies at a partner higher education institution in Europe or abroad. Students in all our undergraduate programs continue to have the opportunity of proceeding to Master’s studies at our institution or elsewhere following successful completion of their undergraduate program. In addition, all students of our institution are required to actively participate in the following leadership seminars, the aim being to create a positive atmosphere of interaction between students of different cultural backgrounds:

  • Leadership
  • Designing Organizations for the Future
  • Management of Public Organizations
  • Negotiation and Dispute Resolution
  • Managing People in the Information Age
  • Management of Innovation and Change

CASS Europe operates in an open, international, and multicultural environment. Students come from all over the world and each has something unique to contribute to the educational environment at our institution. Meeting top executives from leading global companies requires clear leadership ability and these seminars will help students develop these skills. All our programs are deliberately structured to help students realize their leadership potential. This is achieved through a unique blend of leadership experiences, development of international networks, entrepreneurial projects, and intensive personal coaching.

We welcome you to an exciting new academic year at our institution.